Pastor Windel Montaque (Pastor Winn)
Pastor Windel Montaque's was born in the picturesque Island of Jamaica, in the parish of Portland, where he spent his early years. His unwavering dedication to the work of God fueled his active participation in various church and school activities, with a particular focus on the youth department. Notably, he assumed the role of the primary speaker at events aimed at promoting Christian education for his beloved Alma Mater, Kingsway High School. Subsequently, he pursued higher education at Northern Caribbean University, successfully graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion, accompanied by a minor in Guidance and Counselling.
For a period of thirteen years, he served as an ordained Pastor of the East Jamaica Conference, where he diligently oversaw five pastoral districts. Over the course of seven years, he has gained extensive pastoral experience in Canada. Throughout this time, he fulfilled the role of an Associate Pastor for the Toronto Perth and Toronto East SDA churches, as well as the lead Pastor for the North West Brampton SDA church. He also took on the responsibilities of being the secretary of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Ministerial Association, the Christian Youth Sports Academy (CYSA) chaplain, and a member of the Toronto Adventist District School Board (TADSB).
Pastor Montaque has been invited to speak at numerous locations in Jamaica, the United States, Canada, and the U.K. He started his graduate studies at Wilfred Laurier University but later transferred to the University of Toronto/Knox College Seminary. Currently, he is pursuing a Masters in Pastoral Studies with a focus on spiritual care and psychotherapy.
Pastor Montaque has been married to his university sweetheart, Jusanne Brown, for a period of seventeen years. Jusanne has been working as a secondary education teacher for over eighteen years. She is an Alumna of Northern Caribbean University and currently teaches at Crawford Adventist Academy. They have been blessed with three remarkable children - twin boys Kemuel and Kemani, and their lovely daughter, Alianne.
Pastor Montaque possesses a fervent devotion towards the divine work and finds immense joy in engaging with both the youth and the elderly. Pastor Montaque exhibits exceptional proficiency in connecting with individuals of all age groups.
His motto is: “May those who come behind us find us faithful.”